Book Review: Vivian Versus the Apocalypse

Vivian Versus The ApocalypseVivian Versus the Apocalypse

by Katie Coyle

Published: 5th September 2013 by Hot Key Books

Version: Paperback from publisher (review my own, honest opinion)

Rating: 4 sofas

A chilling vision of a contemporary USA where the sinister Church of America is destroying lives. Our cynical protagonist, seventeen-­year-­old Vivian Apple, is awaiting the fated ‘Rapture’ -­ or rather the lack of it. Her evangelical parents have been in the Church’s thrall for too long, and she’s looking forward to getting them back. Except that when Vivian arrives home the day after the supposed ‘Rapture’, her parents are gone. All that is left are two holes in the ceiling…

Viv is determined to carry on as normal, but when she starts to suspect that her parents might still be alive, she realises she must uncover the truth. Joined by Peter, a boy claiming to know the real whereabouts of the Church, and Edie, a heavily pregnant Believer who has been ‘left behind’, they embark on a road trip across America. Encountering freak weather, roving ‘Believer’ gangs and a strange teenage group calling themselves the ‘New Orphans’, Viv soon begins to realise that the Rapture was just the beginning.

The primary reason I wanted to read this book was for the road trip. Perfect summer reads, I enjoy the character exploration that usually occurs on road trips. Aside from that, it also seemed to have another layer, relating to religion and the apocalypse.

We follow Viv as her parents are ‘taken’ after the Rapture, and she is left with her best friend to try and piece her life together. She decides to embark on a trip to discover the truth about what actually happened to her parents.

It was everything I wanted it to be, and more. It got me thinking about religion, and whether something like this could happen in the future. I think it is quite a contentious topic, so it was nice to see it tackled in a YA book. It also discussed the issue of Believers who were ‘left behind’, and whether they retained they faith throughout.

Although I don’t believe in religion personally, I am a huge believer of karma and fate.  So the book kind of spoke to me in that those left behind wondered whether it was for a reason, or if they weren’t good enough. But at the end of the day they are probably better people for it. To quote one of my favourite films, its called the pursuit of happiness for a reason. 

What I loved most about the book is Vivian herself. The personal development she undertakes on this journey is remarkable. I think it was most significant for me in the difference between the beginning, in which Peter asks her “What do you believe in?” and she cannot answer. If you compare this to her character at the end, she knows what she wants and has to make pretty tough decisions.

I wasn’t overly taken with the ending. I think it was left pretty open for a sequel, which is always frustrating! That being said, I can see why the author did it as it does suit the overall spirit of the book.

Vivian Versus the Apocalypse was a book that got me thinking about a possible future apocalypse, and also what a great excuse for a roadtrip it is!  A true tale of self discovery. 4 sofas!

Readathon: Bout of Books 8.0 Wrap-Up

bout of books 8

Bout of Books 8.0 was my first Bout of Books, and I’m so glad I took part. 

Book List



I plan to read three books

While I didn’t manage to read all the books on my goal pile, I did finish two of them. I have started Diary of a Mall Girl and have also read Time Between Us by Tamara Ireland Stone. 

I want to participate in at least one Twitter chat

I took part in the Twitter chat on Saturday.

Complete two challengers

I completed the Bookish Bucket list and the TBR list (both in my Update post)

Write two reviews

My review of Every Day is already up and a review of The Screaming Staircase is going up on Thursday!

Comment on as many Bout of Books posts as possible and make some new friends! 

While I did speak to some new people during the Twitter chat I’m not sure I made any friends as such. I have been trying to comment on blogs overall but haven’t really seen that many Bout of Books posts in my blogroll. 

Overall I count my Bout of Books progress as a success! I’d only read about 3 books in a month prior to the readathon, so to get through that many in a week makes me really happy. It has definitely put me in the mood to read again, which is a priceless reward.

Did you manage to meet all your goals? 

Readathon: Bout of Books 8.0 Update

bout of books 8

Bout of Books 8.0 started on Monday. I did a lot of reading on the first day, but not as much since. I’m also going to use this to record any challenges.  


Number of pages read: 373 (technically I started this Sunday night, but I’m going to count them all)

Books: Every Day by David Levithan

Challenges: Bookish Bucket List



Number of pages read: 110

Books: Diary of a Mall Girl by Luisa Plaja (60 pages)

Vivian Versus the Apocalypse by Katie Coyle (50 pages)

Challenges: None


Number of pages read: 62

Books: Vivian Versus the Apocalypse

Challenges: TBR List Challenge



Number of pages read: 80

Books: Vivian Versus the Apocalypse

Challenges: None


Number of pages read: 96

Books: Vivian Versus the Apocalypse

Challenges: None


Number of pages read: 86

Books: Time Between Us

Challenges: None


Number of pages read:

Books: Time Between Us


Readathon: Bout of Books 8.0 Goals

bout of books 8

Bout of Books 8.0 begins on Monday, and I’m really excited to be taking part. I haven’t been reading a lot lately as I’ve been busy with work things, but hopefully this will help me get back on track. 


I plan to read three books

I want to participate in at least one Twitter chat

Complete two challengers

Write two reviews

Comment on as many Bout of Books posts as possible and make some new friends! 

Book List


I’m taking this opportunity to read as many review books as I can! I’m really excited about Every Day so I expect that will be one I read first. 

Are you taking part in the readathon? What are you planning to read? 

Letterbox Love #25

Letterbox Love is a meme hosted by Lynsey of Narratively Speaking whereby book lovers can exhibit the books they received this week.

I’m going to try and post a weekly book haul so that I don’t have as many to talk about at once! We’ll see how that goes… 


Received for Review:

Every Day by David Levithan 

Thanks very much Egmont! I can’t wait to meet David in October and so excited for this.

Vivian Versus the Apocalypse by Katie Coyle

The Rig by Joe Ducie

Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield

The Elites by Natasha Ngan

THE ELITES! Thank you SO much to Hot Key Books for all these pretties! I’ve heard amazing things about the Elites so far, and all the others look amazing too 😀 


The One That Got Away by Lucy Dawson

Solace of the Road by Siobhan Dowd

Sweet Little Lies by Lauren Conrad

Gloss by Marilyn Kaye


I’d Tell You I Love You, But Then I’d Have To Kill You by Ally Carter (free with Shout magazine)


What Have I Done? by Amanda Prowse


The Name On Your Wrist

The Name on Your Wrist by Helen Hiorns. Thanks to Random House and Netgalley. This is the winner of their Movellas Award and I’ve been told it is absolutely amazing.  


What did you receive this week? Have you read any of my books and do you think it should be at the top or the bottom of my to read pile?  How do you like a book haul vlog as opposed to an actual post? I’d love to hear from you!