Book Review: Revenge Wears Prada

Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil ReturnsRevenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns

by Lauren Weisberger

Published: 20th June 2013 by Harper Collins

Version: Paperback from publisher (all views are my honest opinion)

Rating: 4 sofas

Revenge Wears Prada picks up eight years after Andy parted ways with Miranda on bad terms. Andy is now editing The Plunge, the hottest bridal magazine around, alongside Emily, her one-timeRunway nemesis turned current BFF. While Andy is planning her own wedding to Max, a handsome media scion, she remains haunted by her impeccably heeled former boss — and the magazine world being as small as it is, it’s only a matter of time before she hears the dreaded syllables “Ahn-dre-ah!” again.

Possible spoiler alert for the first novel, but if you haven’t read it or watched the film adaptation then you must be living in a cave.

One of the great things about this novel is that it is so easy to pick up. I’ve never read the first book (Devil Wears Prada), although I have seen the film numerous times. But I managed to leap straight into it, and it made me wonder why the sequel has been such a long time coming.
Andy is such a likeable character; having finally stood up for herself at the end of the first book, she is the girl next door who got lucky. But she learnt that Miranda isn’t this almighty god to be feared. And yet, just hearing her name still sends Andy into a panic eight years later.
As well as the fear of her old boss, Andy has to deal with lots of other things, such as a business to run with her ex-Runway colleague Emily, a fiancee-come-husband who may be hiding a secret, and a mother in law that hates her.

Full of drama and laughter, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoyed the first. Andy, Emily and Miranda are just the same characters that we know and love (or hate). Although it has been so many years since Lauren Weisberg originally wrote Devil Wears Prada, she still has an amazing charm and the story just flows seemlessly. I want to keep reading, and I do.

Having devoured this in a day, the only thing I’m left wondering is why this isn’t a bestselling series already. Witty, romantic and fun, this is a chick fic that stands out from the crowd; something which is insanely hard to do. Lauren’s effortless writing is something which I would love to read more of. Undeniable talent. I know I’m not the only person who will be left yearning for a film adaptation after reading this novel. 4 sofas!